Tuesday, December 19, 2006


The followers came to Jesus and asked, "Why do you use stories to teach the people?" Matt. 13:10

The stories we embrace become the lens through which we view and interpret ourselves and the world around us. The Gospel is powerful story. Stories are the answer to our search for personal identity and resolution of conflict. Along with humor, story is the shortest distance between people. Jesus knew this better than anyone.

His stories’ healing and transformative effects were enlightening and empowering. A story well said creates connection between people. Its resonating powers speak directly to hearts and minds in ways that build common ground. It brings meaning and purpose to our individual and collective lives.

Jesus amazing ability to tell stories pierced through social, religious, and economic barriers and built bridges between fragmented humans. His intention was to knock down the painful walls of the human condition and build a community of faith rich in Gospel stories. These stories are designed to restore the unity that has always existed in the heart of God to the hearts of men. “Peace on earth and goodwill toward men”.

Your personal story of God and His expressed love for you is your most effective and authentic way to truly connect with others. People love a good story. Through hearing your story and understanding its deeper messages, others connect not only with you, but God. As the story is re-told throughout history God continues His connection with us. And our loving connections with each other are sustained.

I encourage you to get in touch with the depths of your story. This self-awareness is key to harnessing the internal drives that either motivate or hinder you in pursuit of your destiny. You have a powerful story that is waiting to be discovered and shared. I encourage you to share it. It will be a means of deep connection with others and a source of inspiration and healing as it becomes a “re-telling” of the Gospel. Yes, your story of a broken and hurting person (you) finding forgiveness and a journey of restoration to wholeness is the Good News of Jesus, and it is the “Greatest Story Ever Re-Told”.

New Series:"The Greatest Story Ever Re-Told"Visit Our Website

Chris Bennett
New Community Church
email: chrisb@newcommchurch.org
web: http://www.ncclv.com

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