Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This week in our Hostage series we look at how Anger can imprison us. Many say anger is just love disappointed. There is good anger and bad anger. For the next several days I will share thoughts on this subject. How you handle your anger is of utmost importance. An uncontrolled outburst of anger can completely alter or even totally destroy someone's life.

Some become easily angered at others, sometimes at the slightest provocation. We might even become hostile and behave in ways we will later regret. Gaining control over our thoughts, feelings and actions when irritated and angry is the best way to keep from acting out in unloving ways.

Controlling our anger is an expression of love. Love is not easily angered. Love can be seen whenever we:

  • Take responsibility for our reactions to others

  • Do not accuse or blame others for the way we feel

  • Treat others graciously although they irritate us

  • Keep from saying something hurtful and unnecessary

  • Do not take our anger out on those around us

  • Think before we speak

  • Allow ourselves a time-out to gather ourselves together

  • Do not expect more from others than we should

All human failures are the result of a lack of love.~Alfred Adler
We may not be able to control stressors and pressures in our lives, but how we respond to them is up to us.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......